


那么网络对精神卫生又产生了怎样的影响呢?到目前为止,我们还没有能够完全发挥当今科技的全部潜力。在过去的200余年中,我们仅仅对ICD标准进行了10次改编。到目前为止所有的改编工作都是通纸笔和传统的邮寄方式进行的。而全球临床实践网络则正在创造着历史。当改编后的ICD-11被提交世界卫生大会做最终的审阅及批准时,其中将包含全球145个国家的一万两千三百余临床工作者为最终标准的形成所作出的贡献。而ICD-11分类标准将可以在网络上通过简单地点击一个按钮为任何人所共享。 Global Clinical Practice Network is history in the making. When the ICD-11 revisions are put before the World Health Assembly for review and approval, over 12 600 clinicians from at least 150 countries will have contributed to shaping the final guidelines, and the ICD-11 will be shared with anyone and everyone who want it with the click of a button on this site.

Such is the power of the GCP.Network. “Transforming mental health care worldwide” is not a bogus claim made up by Mad Men advertising executives. Through online field studies, our internet-based methodology is resource effective and cost effective. GCP.Network allows for rapid implementation and collection of data in a way that no one would have imagined even 50 years ago. GCP.Network makes the sharing of knowledge and research possible in real time, crossing the language and access barriers and leveling the playing field. GCP.Network can help us transform knowledge and capacity such that one day (hopefully soon) we will be able to stop defining mental health capacity and access based on a country’s GDP or the per capita income of its citizens.

